10 Main IELTS Listening Tips

Top 20 Tips on iELTS listening that you must understand before you give your exam. Skimming? Speed Reading? Prep time?

Check Out These 10 Main IELTS Listening Tips to Guarantee a Great Score!

In preparation for the IELTS exam, the passage offers 10 key tips on how to improve your listening skills. Among the suggestions are:

1- If you are aware of the type of conversation that is taking place, anticipating the topic and questions before the listening begins can assist you in better listening. Ensure that you are aware of who is speaking to whom and the context within the time allotted to you.

2- You have a minute to go through each section and at the end of each section. You have 30 seconds to check your answers. The instruction then tells you to turn over and spend 30 seconds looking at the next section. Instead, move on to the next section immediately, and you will have one minute to read it.


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3- Be careful with the order of the questions because you may be required to complete a table or chart or diagram. You should carefully check the order of the questions—they won’t always go from left to right—or you’ll get lost and confused.

4- If you only look at one question at a time, you might miss one because some questions have answers that are close together in one sentence. Additionally, it’s possible that you’ll forget an answer.

5- Moving on if you miss an answer: If you do realize you missed an answer, quickly forget about it and focus on the ones that come next. You can’t do anything, but you can guess when you put your answers on the answer sheet at the end.

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6- Keeping an eye on others if you’re completely lost. If you’re completely lost where you are, watch when the other candidates hand over their exam papers. When that happens, you’ll know you’ve returned to the right place.

7- Beware of paraphrasing; it is likely that what you hear will not exactly match what is written on the exam paper, as that would be too simple. You need to pay close attention to the question and the question stems for synonyms.

8- Ignoring words you don’t know: If you hear a word you don’t know, don’t worry or panic. You can either guess or assume that you already know it.

Bonus tip! Do not be concerned about what you write on the exam sheet. On practice tests, students frequently scribble or cross out information on the exam paper. Examiners will not check this!

9- Underline keywords: When you first look at the questions, especially in the more difficult parts 3 and 4, underline keywords (like names, places, and dates) in the question stems to make it easier for you to understand what the answer is. But keep in mind that, as was mentioned earlier, synonyms are frequently employed.

10- Be careful with your spelling and grammar because if your answer is misspelled or the grammar doesn’t work, it will be marked as incorrect. Therefore, double-check these when you transfer your answers at the end. The sentence on the exam paper might help you with your grammar. Does it follow the rules of grammar? Should it be an adjective, a noun, or a verb? On the official IELTS website (ielts.org), this is written in either British or American spelling: In terms of spelling, grammar, and word choice, IELTS recognizes both British and American English. Therefore, you can use either answer.




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