Understanding The CELPIP Structure: Tips You Need To Score 12/12

The CELPIP Structure: Tips For Scoring 12/12

CELPIP is a widely recognized test of English language proficiency used to assess the language abilities of non-native speakers. This article will take a closer look at the CELPIP structure, which features four sections namely listening, reading, writing, and speaking.

By understanding the structure and format of each section, test-takers will be able to better prepare for the test. This article will provide a detailed overview of each section and the key aspects that make up that section, as well as tips and strategies for achieving a high score on the CELPIP test.

CELPIP Listening Section

The Listening section of the CELPIP test measures a test taker’s ability to understand spoken English. The section is divided into two parts, with a total of 40 questions.

In the first part, test-takers will hear a variety of spoken texts, such as conversations, lectures, and announcements, and will be asked multiple-choice questions about them. In the second part, test-takers will hear a monologue and be asked open-response questions about the speaker’s opinion or attitude.

To achieve a high score in the Listening section of the CELPIP test, it is important to practice your listening skills as much as possible. Practice by listening to English-language podcasts, news broadcasts, and other spoken texts. It’s also important to familiarize yourself with the different types of questions that you can expect. They include multiple-choice questions, open-response questions, and True/False questions.

CELPIP Reading Section

The second part of the CELPIP structure is the reading section. Ideally, the reading section of the CELPIP test measures a test taker’s ability to understand written English. The section is divided into two parts, with a total of 40 questions.

In the first part of CELPIP, test-takers will be given a variety of texts, such as brochures, letters, and instructions, and will be asked multiple-choice questions about them. In the second part, test-takers will be given a longer text and be asked open-response questions about it.

For a high score in the reading section of the CELPIP test, it’s important to practice your reading skills by reading English-language books, newspapers, and other written texts. It’s also important to familiarize yourself with the different types of questions that you can expect to encounter on the test, such as multiple-choice questions, open-response questions, and True/False questions. Additionally, it is important to practice reading comprehension strategies such as scanning, skimming, and reading critically.


CELPIP Writing Section

The Writing section of the CELPIP test measures a test taker’s ability to write in English. The section is divided into two parts, with a total of 60 marks. The first part features a statement and candidates are asked to write a response. In the second part, test-takers will be given an image and a statement and be asked to write a response.

CELPIP Writing Tips

To pass the Writing section of the CELPIP test, it’s important to practice your writing skills as much as possible. This can be done by writing in a journal or blog, writing essays and reports, or even sending emails and messages in English. It’s also important to familiarize yourself with the different types of tasks that you can expect to encounter on the test, such as letters, Emails, reports, or essay writing. Additionally, be familiar with writing conventions, grammar, and vocabulary that is appropriate and accurate.

Speaking Section

The Final part you need to know when it comes to CELPIP structure is the speaking section. The Speaking section of the CELPIP test measures a test taker’s ability to speak in English. The section is divided into two parts, with a total of 50 marks. In the first part, test-takers will be asked to introduce themselves and answer a set of general questions. In the second part, test-takers will be given a topic and be asked to speak about it for one minute.


If you are preparing for the speaking test, practice your speaking skills as much as possible. This can be done by having conversations with native English speakers.  participating in English-language classes or clubs, or even speaking with yourself in English. It’s also important to familiarize yourself with the different types of tasks such as introductions, general questions, and one-minute speeches. Additionally, it is good to practice using appropriate pacing, intonation, and pronunciation while speaking.


The CELPIP test measures listening, reading, writing, and speaking abilities. It’s important for test takers to understand the CELPIP structure and the tips you need to score high marks. For instance, it’s important to practice each section as much as possible. Also, familiarize yourself with the types of questions and tasks that you can expect to encounter, and take care of your overall well-being. With these tips and strategies in mind, you’ll be well on your way to achieving a high score on the CELPIP test and reaching your goals in Canada.
