CELPIP Listening Practice Test (with answers)

The hardest CELPIP online (free) listening practice test. Can you achieve a top mark? Answers included. Listening tips and tricks.

The Hardest Online CELPIP Listening Practice Test is now Available for Free!

Check out this CELPIP practice test with answers! It is one of the hardest ones you will ever see! We have attached the scripts, the questions and the answer sheets right here. This is for Part 5 of your listening test. For further listening tests as well as materials on other modules, please visit this link: https://hzadeducation.com/product/classes-celpip/

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Before you get started, make sure to understand these key tips for Part 5 listening:


-Make three columns when you are taking notes, one for each person so you have organized notes on who said what

-Leave a line every time a person says something so you can see the sequence of how things were said

-Look at their appearances. Sometimes, the question will ask, ‘what did the girl in glasses’ or ‘the guy in shorts’ say?

-Take as many notes as you can!



Video for the test: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yiz9UKuIMYs&t=11s



CELPIP Listening Practice Test (with answers):



Take 4 minutes to answer the following questions:  


  1. Initially, how did Johnathan feel about bringing up this topic? 
  2. Positive
  3. Negative  
  4. Shy 
  5. Indifferent  


  1. Who was more eager to listen to what Johnathan had to say?  
  2. Clara  
  3. Ella  
  4. Both of them were interested  
  5. None of them were interested  


  1. Which athlete was Johnathan referring to from the Olympics?  
  2. Usain Bolt  
  3. Michael Williams  
  4. Johnathan Williams  
  5. Brian James  


  1. How often does Johnathan throw up after exercise?  
  2. All the time  
  3. In some cases  
  4. 2-3 times per week  
  5. When he does HIIT  


  1. What does Ella like about Johnathan?  
  2. He is passionate  
  3. If anyone can do it, it’s him  
  4. He gives great news  
  5. He is a glass half full kind of guy  



  1. Why did Johnathan mention TV sets?  
  2. To tell Ella and Clara that he watched the Olympics  
  3. To signify that he will be the next star  
  4. Because that’s where he heard the news  
  5. To mention how the athlete was running faster than a sports car  


  1. How is Clara treating Johnathan?  
  2. In an insulting manner  
  3. In an encouraging manner  
  4. In a manner that gives him a reality check  
  5. In a sarcastic manner  



  1. Johnathan: 
  2. Didn’t care at all about what his friends thought 
  3. Is looking for their approval by mentioning his goals 
  4. Can be easily offended  
  5. Cares about what his friends have to say 



  1. Initially, how did Johnathan feel about bringing up this topic: 
  2. Positive 
  3. Negative 
  4. Shy – CORRECT: Johnathan’s first sentence was: “Hey, can I tell you both a secret?  It’s a little embarrassing.” 
  5. Indifferent 


  1. Who was more eager to listen to what Johnathan had to say? 
  2. Clara – CORRECT: When Johnathan wasn’t getting to the point fast enough, Clara impatiently said: “Oh God Johnathan! Just spare us the suspense, will you?”
  3. Ella 
  4. Both of them were interested 
  5. None of them were interested


  1. Which athlete was Johnathan referring to from the Olympics? 
  2. Usain Bolt 
  3. Michael Williams 
  4. Johnathan Williams 
  5. Brian James – CORRECT: This was the only athlete name mentioned 


  1. How often does Johnathan throw up after exercise? 
  2. All the time 
  3. In some cases – CORRECT: Johnathan said that he pukes if he does HIIT for over an  hour. This is conditional on him going over one hour, and hence, in some cases only.  Don’t let option D confuse you. Yes, he pukes while doing HIIT but option D doesn’t  state the frequency or the timing of the HIIT session. 
  4. 2-3 times per week 
  5. When he does HIIT 


  1. What does Ella like about Johnathan? 
  2. He is passionate – CORRECT: Ella mentioned this in an appreciative manner: “You  are fit and athletic and you are crazy passionate in every project you choose. If anyone  can do it, it’s you!” 
  3. If anyone can do it, it’s him 
  4. He gives great news 
  5. He is a glass half-full kind of guy 


(Interested in CELPIP reading tips and tricks as well? Check out this detailed link: https://hzadeducation.com/2022/12/02/celpip-reading-strategy/)


  1. Why did Johnathan mention TV sets? 
  2. To tell Ella and Clara that he watched the Olympics 
  3. To signify that he will be the next star – CORRECT: Johnathan said that we will see him on our TV sets in a way to show that he will be the next winner of the Olympics event and that Clara and Ella will watch him on TV. 
  4. Because that’s where he heard the news 
  5. To mention how the athlete was running faster than a sports car 


  1. How is Clara treating Johnathan? 
  2. In an insulting manner 
  3. In an encouraging manner 
  4. In a manner that gives him a reality check – CORRECT: Clara is definitely not encouraging Johnathan (option B). She could have been said to insult or criticize him  (which would match option A and D respectively). However, since she apologized when she spoke too aggressively and said she didn’t want it to come out that way, she is showing that she wasn’t purposefully trying to be mean. This followed up with Clara reminding Johnathan how old he was in order to give him a reality check.
  5. In a sarcastic manner 


  1. Johnathan: 
  2. Didn’t care at all about what his friends thought 
  3. Is looking for their approval by mentioning his goals
  4. Can be easily offended 
  5. Cares about what his friends have to say – CORRECT: Johnathan’s final words in the conversation were: “Don’t worry, I am not easily offended and while you guys are the  best friends and I care about what you say, I didn’t need an approval here”



Johnathan: Hey, can I tell you both a secret? It’s a little embarrassing.

Johnathan: I mean it could be embarrassing or might sound ambitious but since I have always been a ‘glass half full’ kinda guy, I decided to push through with this idea.

Clara: Oh God Johnathan! Just spare us the suspense, will you?

Johnathan: Ok ok so… did you see Brian James’s victory yesterday at the Olympics? The dude was running faster than a sports car! I mean not literally but man! I just couldn’t stop myself from replaying his greatness! I mean I run while doing HIIT and always end up puking if I go over an hour! This guy ran a marathon and still looked like a million bucks while ending up on top.

Ella: Okay….. where are you getting at with this?

Johnathan: What I am telling you guys is that you might just mayybeee see Johnathan Williams on your TV sets in the next olympics.

Ella: Wow! No way! That is great news Johnathan. I am so with you on this. You are fit and athletic and you are crazy passionate in every project you choose. If anyone can do it, it’s you!


(Tip: Play the video again to see if you caught everything in the script)


Johnathan: Aww thanks! It means a lot coming from you Ella.

Clara: hmm

Johnathan: Okay what does that mean?

Clara: Well, I don’t mean to be a downer but Johnathan, you just said you puke after cardio. Even I don’t do that and I don’t consider myself athletic…. Sorry sorry. That didn’t come out right. Look… I mean, you are my friend and the last thing I would want from you is to chase a virtually unattainable dream! I have to remind you again you are a father of 2 and pushing 40. This is not the age when athletes start their careers.

Ella: Oh come on Clara, who are we to say anything! When was the last time Johnathan did something interesting…. oh sorry. I didn’t mean it like that either. Johnathan what I am trying to say is.. this is good… yeah this is good for you. It will be a new adventure and will take you places!

Johnathan: Don’t worry, I am not easily offended and while you guys are the best friends and I care about what you say, I didn’t need an approval here. I am already good to go. Training starts tomorrow.



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