Top 40 IELTS Task 2 Questions (Difficult)!

The IELTS Task 2 Writing Questions that students have found most difficult in their exams, leading to low marks. What are they?

IELTS Task 2 (Writing) Questions. HZad Education’s Top 40 List!


If you have not given the IELTS exam, you don’t know what you are in for! IELTS Task 2 writing carries two-thirds of your overall writing mark and is one of the hardest marked modules. People constantly complain about how they are getting 7+ bands (even 8+ bands) in other modules, but in writing, no one can seem to score over 6.5 bands! Why? Task 2 is the reason. Have a look at the following extremely difficult IELTS Task 2 questions that candidates have a very hard time dealing with! That’s why you need to practice with the top IELTS writing questions down below but first what are the 7 types in which they are broken down into?





These 7 types of IELTS questions need to be understood and attempted with different approaches. Let's look at some examples.


Top 40 IELTS Task 2 Questions!







  1. All art needs to be beautiful in order to be valuable. If art is ugly, it is meaningless.
    To what extent do you agree or disagree?
  2. Many art museums throughout the world are free to the public, so anyone can walk in and view the art.
    Should art museums be free?
    What are the advantages and disadvantages of providing free access to art museums?



Business and Money:

  1. The richer you are, the happier you will be.
    What is your opinion?
  2. Huge companies like Walmart and Amazon are very popular, but they have put many small, local, or family-run companies out of business.
    Why are companies like Amazon so popular?
    How can we create balance between big companies and small businesses?
  3. Tipping is a common practice at restaurants in many countries. Some people believe tipping is a great way to show service workers you appreciate them, while others believe it should be the responsibility of the boss or company to pay their workers.
    Discuss both sides and give your opinion.


Communication and Personality:

  1. A person’s personality is genetic – if everyone in their family is kind, they will also be kind. There is nothing we can do to meaningfully change our personalities or modify our dispositions.
    What do you think?
  2. Personal information is shared readily online, and it is easily accessible, as nothing shared online is truly private.
    What are some possible problems that could arise due to privacy issues online?
    What are some solutions to these problems?


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Crime and Punishment:

  1. The death penalty is still used as punishment for crimes in many places in the world, though there is widespread disagreement on the ethics of this practice. Some people think it is appropriate in some circumstances, while others believe it is never ethical.
    Discuss both sides and give your opinion.
  2. Prisons are good because people who commit crimes should be excluded from society and kept away from other people.
    To what extent do you agree or disagree?
  3. The legalization of marijuana is a hot topic in many countries around the world. Proponents argue that it should be legalized because it is less harmful than other drugs that are legal, such as cigarettes and alcohol. Opponents argue that it should remain illegal due to the risks involved.
    Discuss both sides and give your opinion.
  4. Crime is more prevalent in poor neighborhoods and low-income areas.
    Why is this the case?
    How can crime be reduced?




  1. Some countries provide free public university education to students, while others require students to pay tuition.
    What are the advantages and disadvantages of providing free public university?
  2. Homework is an integral part of education. However, some educators have called for an end to the practice, as some research shows that homework assignments are not only ineffective, but possibly harmful for students in the long run.
    Why is homework needed?
    What are some potential drawbacks of assigning homework?




  1. There are many animal species which have become endangered due to human activity such as deforestation and illegal hunting.
    How far should we go to protect endangered species?
    What can we do to ensure these protections are effective?
  2. Some people think that farming meat is unethical and bad for the environment, and have proposed that humans begin farming insects for food instead.
    To what extent do you agree with this practice?
  3. The topic of climate change is heavily debated across the world today.
    Is climate change caused by human activity?
    What should be done to address the potential impacts of climate change?
  4. There are too many people on earth, and this overpopulation has resulted in human suffering. People should stop having children so the global population will decrease.
    What is your opinion?



Family and Children:

  1. A parent should not be friends with their child, but rather should focus on respect and discipline.
    What do you think?
  2. Single-parent families are increasingly common these days, with single moms or dads taking care of one or more children. Some people say that children can still be raised effectively by one parent, but others believe children need two parents to have a happy childhood.
    Discuss both sides and give your opinion.
  3. Parents will provide food and housing to their children throughout their lives. However, when parents become old, many children do not want to take care of them, and will instead send them to a nursing home or leave them alone.
    Do children have a duty to take care of their elderly parents? Or should someone else be responsible?


One thing you need to secure a good mark in your task 2 writing is extremely COMPLEX VOCABULARY AND SENTENCES. Don’t know what they are or how to use them? Check out my detailed vocab lesson here:

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Food and Diet:

  1. Many people have different ideas about what a healthy diet looks like. Some doctors recommend patients avoid eating sugar, fat, or dairy, while others recommend a balanced diet, where patients consume all foods in moderation.
    Discuss both sides and give your opinion.



  1. Universal health insurance is bad because healthy people should not have to pay money to help sick people.
    To what extent do you agree or disagree?



  1. In some places, if you rent a house, it is the responsibility of the landlord to make sure the building is a safe place to live. Some people, however, argue that this responsibility should fall on the tenant, because they are the one living there.
    Discuss both sides and give your opinion. 



  1. Due to the rise in globalization, English has been adopted as the “universal” language for communication.
    What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a universal language?


Media and Advertising:

  1. The news shares important stories about the community and the country. Some countries have publicly funded news channels, which are not allowed to advertise for unrelated companies or businesses. Other countries have news channels that are funded by advertising.
    Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for both models.
  2. Many pharmaceutical companies advertise their medications on television and the radio. Some people say this is inappropriate, as it can lead to people seeking prescriptions, rather than diagnosing the root problem. Others believe it is important to spread awareness for all solutions.
    Discuss both sides and give your opinion.
  3. In recent years, there has been a rise in the consumption of violent media, especially violent video games. This has coincided with an increase in violent attacks in countries like the US.
    Do you think violent media is the cause of violence in public spaces?
    What are the effects of violent media on society at large?
  4. Influencers have taken social media by storm, and millions of people, especially children, look up to influencers as models for behavior and style. Many children even say their dream job is to be an influencer.
    Do influencers have a responsibility to promote good behavior?
    Should audiences give this much power to influencers?



  1. Some people believe that people are poor because they lack opportunities or resources, while others say people are poor because they are lazy or lack a strong work ethic.
    Discuss both sides and give your opinion.
  2. Homelessness is a problem in many societies around the world. Some people have proposed building more houses and apartments as good solutions to ending homelessness.
    To what extent do you agree or disagree? 


Space Exploration:

  1. Countries around the world spend billions of dollars annually on space exploration. Meanwhile, homelessness, food insecurity, and poverty remain huge issues on Earth.
    Some people think that we should be spending this money to help people here, while others believe exploring space has far-reaching benefits for us all.
    Discuss both sides and give your opinion.



  1. Advances in the field of technology have let to the automatization of many jobs, such as factory work. Now, robots or machines are performing the work, instead of people.
    What are the advantages and disadvantages of automatization?



  1. Different countries have different cultures and customs. Sometimes, tourists will acknowledge these differences and change their behavior to be respectful. Other times, tourists may not want to alter their behavior, or they may not know about the differences at all.
    Should tourists learn about the culture of a place before traveling there? Why or why not?
    Should tourists be expected to change their behavior to align with the culture of their destination? Why or why not?
  2. Tourism is the backbone of many economies around the world. However, tourism has led to cultural and environmental degradation in many places.
    Do the advantages of a booming tourism industry outweigh the disadvantages to the local culture or environment?



  1. Many countries are encouraging their citizens to bike to work instead of driving. Biking to work is an easy way to get more exercise, save money on gas, and lower the carbon footprint.
    What are some potential problems that may prevent people from taking this approach?
    How can these problems be solved?
  2. Traffic is a growing problem in many cities around the world. Many people propose more robust public transit systems as a solution, while others believe public transit costs many their individual freedom.
    Discuss both sides and give your opinion.



  1. Many people believe that the health and safety of employees at work is the responsibility of the boss or the company. Others, however, believe that workers should be responsible for keeping themselves safe, as it is impossible for the company to take care of everyone.
    Discuss both sides and give your opinion.
  2. In recent years, many people have been rallying for an increase in the minimum wage paid to workers.
    What are the advantages and disadvantages of increasing the minimum wage?
  3. Some countries have implemented a new work schedule with a four-day work week and three-day weekends.
    What are the advantages and disadvantages of adopting a shorter work week?
  4. People need to work in order to live happy and fulfilling lives.
    To what extent do you agree or disagree?
  5. It is impossible to have both a successful career and a happy family life.
    What is your opinion?


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