CELPIP Speaking Test Along With Answers and Guide!
For this CELPIP speaking practice test, first, let’s look at the 8 questions, then, you will see a link with details on how to answer them.

I have answered all of them in my YouTube video:
Please check it out so you can learn how to effectively ace your CELPIP speaking test with the use of good templates, structure and proper speaking techniques!
Wanna get access to our top CELPIP course that details all 8 answers with all complex words, phrases, and vocabulary? We will give you a very detailed overview of how examiners mark as well as the needed resources and practice tests you need to improve. This course is the best-selling CELPIP course online. Why? Almost everyone scores 9+ after taking this! Here you go:
How to turn below-average sentences into complex/advanced ones?
An important thing you need to understand for speaking is to make your sentences complex! You CANNOT expect to score good marks in the exam with basic vocab! Let’s have a deeper look:
If you are doing your IELTS/CELPIP/PTE/OET/TOEFL or even school exams or if you just want to write and speak in better English, you need to use three things:
1. Good connectors:
Furthermore, Likewise, Accordingly, Moreover, Other than that , Apart from that, What’s more, On top of that
Linking words:
Firstly, Secondly, Thirdly/Lastly
Comparison words:
While, Whereas, As compared with, On the other hand, In much the same way
Contradictory words:
However, Nevertheless, Nonetheless
Although is used only start of the sentence
Concluding words:
Hence, Therefore, Consequently, As a result, That’s why, Due to that, Hence why, Based on that
Other useful connectors:
As well as, considering this issue, based on the aforementioned reasons, considering the common worldview, it is apparent that, it can be ascertained that, it’s dramatically apparent that, keeping in mind all of the above, with this in mind, not only, either/or, neither/nor
2. Complex sentences that start with:
Although ______, ______
when ______, ______
before______, ______
while______, ______
until______, ______
for______, ______
if______, ______
since______, ______
because______, ______
as______, ______
due to______, ______
considering______, ______
based on______, ______
whether______, ______
3. Fancy phrases–this really depends on the sentence being made. No straightforward formula here.
Now let’s have a look at some basic sentences:
1. I am writing this letter because I need to make a complaint.
2. Education should be free of cost because it is a considered a basic human right.
3. The weather outside is really chilly and it can give me a frostbite and that will be really bad for me skin.
4. Democracy is better than dictatorship because it guarantees that everyone will have a voice and that is really important.
5. Everybody says that it is important to reduce taxes to help people.
6. The environment these days is getting bad and more bad by the minute.
7. You should really go to the gym and workout since it is important for you. It will help you become good in terms of your health.
8. We need better leaders in the world. They will help us. Governments can do good things for people. We need politicians to do a better job.
9. If you do you best at school, you can get a good mark. Then you can get better career opportunities.
10. Your department needs to work on the sanitary conditions because you are violating health standards right now and it’s bad for your customers.
Here is a YouTube link that explains how to fix each one of these sentences with a proper tone:
Now try fixing these ones:
11. Sarah will clean up the area because she is really good at it and she can do a better job than me and I don’t have much time.
12. Have you decided on the time when you will perform the audit? I am asking because I need to plan my schedule. I need to tell my roommate about it.
13, Deforestation has become an issue. It is a growing problem. We need to deal with it before it gets too late.
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Finally, here are some more important tips on CELPIP speaking and how you can knock it out of the park in your next exam. Make sure to look at this list before attempting every practice test!
1. Relax!
Controlling your nerves is probably the most important aspect of public speaking. Take deep breaths between sentences as well as before you start speaking; breathing techniques are recommended by almost all psychiatrists and religious gurus as well as yoga instructors. They all use it to relax people – so put that to work!
2. Believe in yourself
If you were on Jimmy Kimmel’s show being interviewed and you know the audience will laugh at even the lamest jokes you make, you will feel more assured of yourself and be confident to say everything you want to say right? Or assume you are the President of your country and you are being aired on TV; you know millions of people are watching you and what you say matters. Why not just assume this in everyday life? Simply imagine that whenever you talk, people give you that much importance as in the above scenarios, and you will start to speak with way more confidence. Don’t do the opposite, which would be thinking you will get interrupted or that your speech is insignificant.
3. Predict what you are going to say
This is a hard one but can be learned. Imagine if you had a prepared speech that you had memorized, you would speak flawlessly there, right? Similarly, if you were to predict the next sentence in your mind (roughly) and then sound it, imagine how nice the flow of that will be compared to talking and thinking of each idea word by word. It is definitely hard to think and talk at the same time but if you have an idea of what will come out next, it will come out beautifully. Multitasking is key here!
4. Speak slow
All famous toastmasters clubs say this… SLOW DOWN! Many people think speaking slow is a sign of doubt but it is completely the opposite. All top-notch public speakers agree that speaking slow shows:
a. Confidence in what you are saying
b. Experience – in whatever topic you are talking about. Think of the old CEOs in your company… they speak slow right? Compare them to a hungry 20-year old looking to apply for a job; he/she speaks much faster. It’s just human nature. Slow speech and seniority in a certain area are co-related.
c. Clarity. When you speak slow, people can easily follow
5. Use pauses and connectors
Pausing is related to the point above. When you speak slowly, pause more between sentences. When you give pauses, people take that time to listen to what you are saying and it shows them that you have the confidence to take pauses without the fear of being interrupted. Also, use good connectors between sentences. Try researching on conjunctions and use them instead of using “and/but/so”. Keep a variety to keep your speech versatile.
For points 4 and 5, real life examples of exceptional public speakers using these tools are Barack Obama, Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, Richard Branson, Martin Luther King. Notice a common pattern? THEY ALL SPEAK SLOW AND USE PAUSES!
6. Practice
Pretty simple one. Practice with native speakers or just someone around you who would like to speak in English with you. If you don’t have anyone, talk to yourself on a sound recorder and play your voice again – self-evaluate how you sound and repeat.
HZad Education provides everyone a completely FREE speaking platform where we help you find partners who you can talk to and refresh your English speaking skills. Check out this link for more help: https://hzadeducation.com
7. Interest the audience
It’s about them and not you. People don’t want to hear your personal stories. They are listening to you because they feel they will learn something that will help them in their lives. You want to research your audience and understand what topics are interesting to THEM. Speak on those areas and provide value to them so they in return value what you have to say.
8. Strong start and finish
This is more on delivering a speech and not on informal conversations. Think about an attention grabber or a quote when you start your speech. Start with that and start with a loud voice. Remember people make an impression of you in the first 5 seconds! Use them wisely to capture the audience’s interest. Finally, the ending impression should not only summarize your whole speech in brief points but should end with a powerful statement. This could be a call to action, a suggestion, a saying or words of encouragement and empowerment.
9. Don’t look at everyone
No matter who your target audience is, there is always someone who will be yawning or rolling their eyes over at everything you say. DON’T FOCUS ON THAT ONE PERSON! Only focus on the positive faces you see because that will encourage you to keep on going and may eventually convince the detractors in the crowd. Conversely, if you focus on the negative person(s), it will affect your tone and soon you will have all your audience feeling the negative vibes coming from you! Remember only you are observing that 1-5% negative crowd. The 95% crowd is still glued to everything you are saying. Don’t let them or yourself be affected by unhealthy vibes!
10. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes!
Whether you get your first speech wrong, there will always be the next speech. Whether you stutter in one sentence, there will be another sentence. You get the point! There will always be a second chance to correct yourself and you should look forward to that. The only thing you should think about in regards to your old mistake is how you can learn from that and speak better the next time.
HZad Education Inc. provides CELPIP speaking classes for people from all races and all ages. Whether you are an immigrant learning English, a nervous introvert, an employee in the office who wants to have better meetings, a student who wants to deliver better presentations, a salesperson trying to learn how to pitch better, a job applicant looking to learn interview skills, we have world-class teachers with the best rates and flexible schedules who would love to assist you with your learning goals.
Contact us now at [email protected] and we will show you how we can help you achieve your optimum speaking goals!