Officially Trending Words! From Streets to News!

In the last few months, these 15 words have been trending more than ever before!
Learn these 15 new words for day-to-day conversation. It will make you sound smoother, just how native speakers talk! This will be handy for writing and speaking!
These words are also going to be familiar to your ear as many people probably have used this with you before. Whether you are at work, with friends or simply learning better phrases for your IELTS/CELPIP/OET/PTE/TOEFL/SAT exams, or writing/speaking, HZad Education has you covered!
Here they are:
1. Meta: self-referential or referring to oneself
2. Apogee: a point in the earth’s orbit at the greatest distance from the earth
3. Indict: charge with a crime
4. Vacated: position left to be filled
5. Unadjudicated: not judged formally in court
5. Spurious: fake or invalid
6. Pragmatic: Practical
7. Nonbinary: Someone without a gender
8. Consort: Spouse of a monarch
9. Neanderthal: an extinct species of humans
10. Perseverance: Not quitting
11. Impeach: Charge with misconduct (especially a public servant)
12. Insurrection: Violence against a government
13. Sedition: Inciting people toward insurrection
14. Malarkey: foolish talk
15. Existential: existing
Note that all these words are always explained in detail on our YouTube channel: HZad Education – Coaching Central. Be sure to check it out!
Hope this helps guys! For more tips and tricks, please follow us on our blog by subscribing and getting amazing English and ESL learning content!